Thursday, December 16, 2010

2010 Time Person of the Year: Julian Assange

Oh is Mark Zuckerberg, the guy who made a website that people post pictures and stuff on. Wait, didn't Julian trounce Mark in the Time poll, with Julian being 1st by 150k votes, and the Zuck coming in 10th place?

Sure you will say, it was the safe choice for Time, go with the sure thing and the cute dorky guy instead of the rapist and criminal to all that is holy.

But, was it the profitable move as well? What could Time possibly gain from the promotion of Marky boy? Could it be that Time/Warner also owns The Social Network, and award season is coming right up, and cross promotion and profitability could be through the roof.

Getting the whole corporate controlled media thing I'm getting at here, and the manufacturing of consent that Chomsky likes to talk about? Go see the documentary if you find reading to be too tough or distracting.

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